Desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol (Oral): Uses, Side Effects, Dose

Desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol (Oral): Uses, Side Effects, Dose

Desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol

US-based brand:

Apri, Cesia, Cyclessa, Desogen, Enskyce, Kariva, Mircette, Ortho-Cept, Reclipsen, Solia, and Velivet are American brand names for this medicine.

Name of Canadian Brand:

Under the brand names Marvelon 21 and Marvelon 28 – White Tablet, this drug is sold in Canada.


For the objective of preventing pregnancy, desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol are combined. This drug is an oral contraceptive tablet that contains the hormones ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel, two different hormones. When taken as directed, it inhibits a woman’s egg from fully maturing throughout each menstrual cycle, so preventing conception. This procedure stops sperm from fertilizing the egg, which prevents pregnancy.


It is essential to remember that no type of contraception can guarantee efficacy 100 percent. When it comes to birth control, surgical sterilization or abstention from sexual activity are more dependable than birth control tablets. It is a good idea to discuss your birth control alternatives with your healthcare professional.

Defense Against STDs:

HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections are not prevented by using this medicine. In the case of unprotected sexual encounter, it is not a suitable option for emergency contraception.

Requirement for Prescription:

The only way to get this drug is via a Licensed doctor-written prescription.

Forms of Dosage:

There are tablets available for this product.


If you have ever had any strange or adverse responses to this prescription or any other medication, let your doctor know. Tell them about any additional sensitivities you may have, including those to foods, colors, preservatives, or allergens found in animals. Examine the ingredients on the label or packaging carefully when thinking about non-prescription products.

Use in Pediatrics:

Sufficient research on how age affects the combination of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol’s effects on children has not been done. However, it is not expected that the usage of this drug in teens would give rise to any particular problems. This drug may be used as birth control in teenage girls, however it shouldn’t be used before the onset of menstruation.

Senior Usage:

Sufficient research on how age affects the combination of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol effects in older adults has not been done. It is not advised for older ladies to take this drug.

Nursing a baby:

Research involving nursing mothers has shown negative consequences for young children. When using this drug, breastfeeding should be stopped or an alternate medication should be recommended.

Drug-Drug Relations:

In certain situations, using two distinct drugs at the same time may be permissible, even if there is a chance of an interaction. However, there are some medications that should never be co-administered. In certain cases, the dose may need to be changed by your healthcare professional, or other safety measures may be necessary. It is especially crucial that your healthcare provider know if you are taking any of the following drugs in addition to this one while you are taking it.

Drugs Not Suggested to Be Taken with This Medication:

This medicine should not be used with the following medications. Your doctor could decide not to prescribe this drug at all or change your treatment regimen, which can include changing the prescriptions you take for other drugs:

Medication Usually Not Suggested to Take with This Medication: Ombitasvir, Dasabuvir, Paritaprevir, Ritonavir, Tranexamic Acid

Combining this medicine with the following medications is usually not advised. But, in certain circumstances, it could be required. Your doctor may change one or both of the prescriptions’ dosages or schedules if they are administered concurrently.

Please be aware that the purpose of these modifications is to give the content a more official, clinical tone.

Usage of Medication Properly:

It is crucial that you take this medicine precisely as directed by your doctor. Steer clear of going above the prescribed dose, taking it more often, or using it for longer than your doctor has prescribed.

Comprehending the Use of Medication:

Understanding how and when to take oral contraceptives as well as possible side effects is crucial for ensuring their safe and effective usage.

Instructions for Patients:

There are instructions for the patient along with this drug. You must read these instructions attentively and follow them. Ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice if you have any questions.

Medication Administration:

The blister packs containing this medicine come with a tablet dispenser. There are 28 different colored pills in each blister pack, and they must be consumed in the exact sequence listed on the pack.

First Period of Adjustment:

Your body will need to adjust to this drug for at least seven days after it starts working before you can effectively prevent pregnancy. For the first seven days of your first pill cycle, use a diaphragm, spermicide, or condom as an extra method of contraception.

Dosage Schedule:

This medicine must be taken daily at the same time. The best results from birth control tablets are obtained when the interval between dosages is no more than 24 hours.

How to Prevent Missed Doses

Never miss a dose or wait longer than 24 hours to take it. Pregnancy risk rises when a dosage is missed. Speak with your doctor about birth control alternatives or about techniques to help you remember when to take your pills.

Possible Sickness:

Nausea is a possibility, especially in the first few months of using this drug. Make touch with your physician if the nausea is ongoing and does not go away.

Handling Diarrhea or Vomiting:

If, within three to four hours after taking this medicine, you vomit or have diarrhea, follow the directions in the patient leaflet or call your doctor. Consider this to be a missed dosage.

Getting along with Colesevelam

Make sure you take Colesevelam at least four hours before or after taking this medicine if you are using it.

Grapefruit Interaction: When using this medicine, avoid eating grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Products containing grapefruit may change how well this medicine is absorbed by your body.

Dosing: Each person requires a different dose of this drug. Follow label or recommended instructions by your doctor. The strength of the drug, the number of daily doses, the time between doses, and the length of therapy for your particular medical condition all affect the proper dosage.

Commencing the Drug:

On the first day of your monthly cycle (also known called “Day 1 start”) or the first Sunday after the start of your menstrual cycle (also known as “Sunday start”), your This medication may be prescribed to you by your doctor. Following the prescribed schedule is essential, even if a dosage is missed. Don’t make separate scheduling changes. If you start on a Sunday, you should use a second method of birth control (spermicide, diaphragm, condom, etc.) for the first seven days.

Treatment Regimens: Subsequent 28-day treatment regimens should follow the same schedule and start on the same day of the week as the initial regimen.

Guidelines for Omitted Doses:

In the event that you miss a dosage, specific patient instructions are given. Read these directions carefully, follow them, and ask your doctor any questions you may have. It is advised to use a backup birth control method for seven days after missing a dosage in order to avoid becoming pregnant.

Absent Times:

If you miss your period for two months in a row, you should notify your doctor since this might indicate that you are possibly pregnant. If you skip a dosage or adjust your schedule, you can have minor bleeding or spotting. The more tablets that are skipped, the greater the chance of bleeding.

Managing Missed Pills: If you happen to miss a single white or light orange tablet, take it right away and go on with your usual routine. In week 1 or 2, if you miss two tablets, take them both as soon as you remember, and then take two more the next day. Use one pill every day for the duration of the pack, then after seven days, switch to a different method of birth control. Start a fresh pack right away if you miss two tablets in week three, or three or more pills at any point. Don’t rely on just one kind of contraception for the first seven days starting on Sunday. If you don’t get your period, you should see a doctor. two months in a row.

Light Bleeding or Spotting: Light bleeding or spotting may result from forgetting to take a medication on time. The probability of bleeding is correlated with the number of tablets you miss.

The purpose of these transformations is to give the content a more professional, clinical tone.


It’s critical that you schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider in order to monitor this medication’s efficacy and make sure there are no negative consequences. Usually, these visits are planned for every six to twelve months, however some medical specialists may need to see you more often. In addition, while you are taking this medicine, your medical professional may want to measure your blood pressure.

It’s important to know that using this medicine while pregnant might endanger your unborn child, even if you are using it as a form of contraception. Notify your doctor right away if you think While using this medication, you could have become pregnant.

Before starting this medicine, it is imperative that you let your doctor know if you have given birth in the last four to six weeks.

You can have varied degrees of vaginal bleeding in between your typical menstrual cycles throughout the first three months of using this product. For more serious cases, the term “breakthrough bleeding” is used. or “spotting” when it’s not as severe. Continue following your usual dose regimen if this happens. The bleeding should usually stop in a week. See your doctor if the bleeding continues for more than a week. See your doctor if, even after using hormonal contraceptives regularly for more than three months, you are still bleeding.

If you don’t get your period, get in touch with your doctor right away. If you don’t take your medications as prescribed and miss one or more, you may have missed periods. Consult a doctor if you miss two periods in a row since you could need a pregnancy test.

If you’re feeling unwell, don’t delay in making an appointment with a medical professional. you could be pregnant.

It is not advised to combine this medication with ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir, dasabuvir-containing or not, to treat hepatitis C virus infection.

If you are older than 35 or a smoker, do not take this drug. Clot formation, cardiac arrest, and stroke risk is increased while smoking while using birth control tablets. Those who suffer from hypertension, excessive cholesterol, or diabetes or are overweight, your risk increases even more if you are over 35. Consult your physician about smoking cessation techniques and take action to lower your blood cholesterol and weight by managing your diabetes, food, and exercise.

When using this drug for the first time or after stopping birth control pills for a month or longer, there is an increased risk of blood clotting problems. If, while taking this medicine, you suffer any of the following side effects: slurred speech, sudden unexplained shortness of breath, abrupt lack of coordination, breathing problems, groin or leg discomfort (particularly in the calves), or changes in vision, call your doctor right once.

Additionally, using this drug may raise your chance of developing cervical or breast cancer. Talk to your doctor about these concerns, and if you suffer unusual vaginal bleeding, get medical help right away.

If you use contact lenses, have blurred vision, have trouble reading, or notice any other changes in your eyesight during or after treatment, get in touch with your doctor right once. Your physician could suggest seeing an ophthalmologist for an eye exam.

Dark urine, pale stools, yellowing of the skin or eyes, and discomfort or soreness in the upper abdomen might all be signs of a major liver problem. See your physician.

This drug may increase the likelihood that you will need gallbladder surgery. Discuss concerns with your doctor.

See your doctor prior to renewing an old prescription, particularly after a pregnancy. You may need to have another physical examination, and your prescription may need to be adjusted by your physician.

Make sure everyone who treats you medically, including dentists and doctors, is aware that you take this medicine. This medicine may have an impact on the outcome of certain medical tests. Furthermore, it could be necessary for you to stop taking this medicine three to four weeks before to major surgery.

Other drugs should not be taken unless your doctor has approved them. This covers over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs as well as vitamin and herbal supplements (such St. John’s wort).

Side Effects

A medicine may have some unfavorable side effects in addition to its intended benefits. Even while not all of these adverse effects are certain to happen, if they do, they should be reported right once to a healthcare provider:

Unknown incidence

  • Missed, irregular, or nonexistent menstrual cycles
  • Anxious feelings
  • Vision changes Pigmentation changes in the skin
  • Chest aches or soreness
  • I’m getting colds
  • Stools with a clay-colored appearance
  • bloating
  • Chronic cough
  • Urine darkening
  • Vomiting
  • feelings of lightheadedness, vertigo, or fainting
  • emergence of a fever
  • outbreaks of welts or hives
  • Skin irritation or the appearance of a rash
  • swelling in the hands, legs, feet, throat, eyes, lips, tongue, and genital region that resembles massive hives
  • emesis
  • aches or pains in the neck, back, jaw, or arms
  • Pain, soreness, or edema in the leg or foot
  • discomfort in the legs, especially the calves, or in the groin or chest
  • abrupt, intense headaches
  • abnormal pulse, either quickly or slowly
  • stomach ache
  • Unexpected loss of balance or slurred speech
  • abrupt respiratory difficulties

A medical practitioner should be notified of these possible adverse effects for assessment and appropriate care.

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About the Author: admin

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